Keep in mind that all testing experiences are not the same as those described in the videos, which were created and published by the American Sleep Apnea Association. However, even though your story may be different, what you'll have in common with these patients is better sleep, better health and, most likely, more energy.

CPAP Patient Success Stories
Are you living with sleep apnea? You’re not alone.
In fact, some 22 million Americans live with sleep apnea. But the good news is that you don’t have to suffer. Sleep apnea can be treated, often with a CPAP machine worn while you sleep. Watch these CPAP success stories of people just like you who overcame high blood pressure, sleep deprivation, memory loss, weight gain and other issues.
Richard Bren had sleep problems his entire life before starting CPAP treatment; it was a life-changing decision that helped dramatically reduce his blood pressure.
Losing his marriage due, at least in part, to sleep apnea was the rock-bottom moment for Matt Gentry — and it prompted him to turn his life around with CPAP therapy. "Some people find God," he says. "I found CPAP."
San Juanita, who says she initially didn't believe that she had a problem sleep apnea, now shares her success story with others to help spread awareness.
Social worker Eugena Brooks says that while a tonsillectomy didn't relieve her sleep apnea issues, CPAP therapy has made an "astronomical" difference. "I feel rested and energized," she says.
Snoring didn't bother Paul Zuccarini, but it was problematic for his now ex-wife. "I had a sleep study, and I started with CPAP," he says. "If your wife says you're a snoring man, go get checked out."
Since getting treatment for severe sleep apnea, Richard Barber says he feels clear-headed, energetic and anxiety-free.
Erin Taylor says that her immune system fights off illness better now that she's getting treatment for sleep apnea. "It was a major issue.
Life before treatment involved a lot of falling sleep during the day, John Andrews says. "I like the way I feel when I use the CPAP machine. It works."
Will Headapohl, who says he had sleep apnea since childhood, says he is a victor, not a victim. "I"m the Apnea Avenger," he says. "It's accepting it, and running with it."